
Online graduation – a day like any other

It’s the 5th of March. For many a day like any other. But this year, for me, it is special. It is the day I worked towards since knowing how to read. Since wanting to make a change to the world!

It is the day I can call myself highly-educated. Although this title doesn’t interest me. The day I will start paying off my debts to society. Get my suitcase and finally move out of this rural area that calls itself a ‘city’. The day I stop worrying about the 1st of the month – when Idealis will make me broke again. And it is the last day I will party all night, before turning into a machine focused on economic performances – but let’s hope not.

It should have been a day with all my friends and family by my side. A last opportunity of free alcohol from the WUR, to one more time having this feeling of no responsibility. Kisses and hugs, from those who are proud of me. Kisses and hugs, for those I am proud of. An Instagram worthy picture of me holding a pen in front of a piece of paper.

But it was a day like any other. In my room, in front of my laptop.