Tales of Nature [and Farming]

One step and the forest knows I’m here.
It takes only one step and some vibration for the roots of the trees to send signals that
someone is entering their home.
One step only and I kill 10, 100, 1000, 10000 little organisms living under my foot.
Under this one step a leaf from the tree I am under is being transformed into food for
another one over there and so the cycle begins. Life begins.

I walk in the forest and I am intrigued…
by how patterns and layers;
colors and shapes;
textures and structures
basically just fit.
Pure chaos turned into beauty.

Collective consciousness
That’s what it is
That makes everything resist
And co-exist:
Living for each other
Living with each other
Living against each other
Everything’s a mix.
The trees might burn,
But the forest will live.

Up on the hill
Either on the field
Or in the forest
Or just in a wheelbarrow full of hay,
I contemplate
Butterflies, berries
Mushrooms and fairies.
I hear the song of the wind
I listen to the whisper of the land
and I am carried away
to another world
where I think I have already been
In either person, stories or my dreams …

A world in which the clock ticks differently.
The tick-tock matching completely
A feeling of melancholy
But also, simply
Pure harmony.
A world that seems to be lost
In stories and talks,
Promises and hopes…
But which is closer to reality,
which brings more clarity
To minds, hearts and souls
Than any other
Simplified theory
That nowadays matter.

Even if lost
The world is never forgotten…
It’s collected and it’s shared
Among each other
And from one to another.
My dear pasture lands
I hope that next time I come
I’ll find you
The same way I always do:
Rejuvenating and growing old
Chaotic, but peaceful
Pressingly quiet,

Smaranda Filip

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Yes people. The answer to the stress problem was standing on your kitchen sink all along, being innocent and pink and rocky.